The Gradual PathĀ Blog
You’ve made it to the second milestone of the journey!
How is your memorization going?
Based on strong love and compassion for others, and the view of our interdependence, we want to help, but recognize our own limitations. How can we ultimately help others awaken from...
Overcome the negativity bias and conduct an inventory of all the success stories and expressions of human triumph.
Just as all social suffering has its origin in self-grasping in each of us, so too all examples of social flourishing have their roots in love and compassion.
Here’s the good...
Our compassion training combines both a wise mind and an open heart, analysis and emotion.
Here we take a deep dive to expose the root cause (mula klesha) of the myriad forms of suffering, ecological, social and personal.
Try to trace the chain link of events for the most extreme atrocities...
Reflect on the spectrum of superiority and inferiority.
Where do you put yourself, consciously and unconsciously, and how does this impact your relations with others?
What are the reinforcements in evolution, family systems, culture, and media that determine an imbalance between self and other?
...Recognize all beings as kin helps us feel solidarity.
Remembering their kindness helps us feel gratitude.
Now repay their kindness. Identify all the contaminated motivations for giving - obligation, guilt, fear etc.
Now try to imagine coming from a place of basic trust over mistrust, abundance...
In order to develop sustainable compassion capable of withstanding the strong forces of social negativity we need to also develop a realistic worldview, which appreciates our inter-relationality and interdependence since beginingless time.
What if we could see, that at one time or another,...
Whereas the steps leading to the first milestone of renunciation cultivated the view and skills for individual freedom, we have now transitioned to a series of steps leading to the second milestone of altruism.
This transition in emphasis from self liberation to liberation of others, is...
I think it actually requires much more maturity to be able to stay in the hot pocket of understanding the virtue of this institution and how the lama arrangement works and the qualities of seeking a master that's truly qualified and also recognizing all the malarkey and all the nuance and...