
Inner & Outer Journeys



Our journey began in late 2018 on the heals of a life-changing pilgrimage to Nepal led by Tibetan master Geshe Tenzin Zopa and myself, including launching my book Gradual Awakening at Kopan Nunnery in Kathmandu. When we returned home a small group of us wanted to keep our forward momentum and study of the lam rim, or gradual path of Tibetan Buddhism, so Allison Graham and I curated and built a comprehensive, two-year program consisting of lectures, meditations, pilgrimages, study groups, and service projects supporting Buddhist nuns. It was called the Contemplative Studies Program (CSP).

A year into the program the  global pandemic hit in early 2020, and as we went into lockdown our growing group was fortunate to seek refuge in the cloud with a newly minted online Dharma center, featuring a robust Buddhist studies curriculum to follow, a living master in Zopa to inspire us, and the support of a world-wide community. 


In the nearly four years that the CSP was active, I taught over 200 hours of lam rim classes (archived on this site), invited world-renowned guest speakers, our group traveled on pilgrimage to Sri Lanka in November 2019, fundraised for two nunneries in the Himalayan region, created a brave space for stimulating dialogue, graduated dozens of committed students from our certificate immersion, and formed bonds that will last lifetimes. We had so much to be proud of and grateful for!

Upon our return in November 2022 from another great pilgrimage to Nepal and India with Geshe-la, it slowly became clear that this iteration of the CSP had fulfilled its purpose. It was time to sweep away the sands of the mandala for a rebirth and rebrand as The Gradual Path you see today.


Our four core pillars remain the same: 1) consistent study and meditation practice of the lam rim; 2) pilgrimages for catalytic experiences; 3) service projects to embody compassion, and; 4) private coaching sessions to enhance wellbeing. In addition, we offer live courses, the Wisdom Keeper Podcast, a Blog, a Store where you can purchase on-demand courses and my books, a YouTube channel, as well as a monthly newsletter and social media to stay connected. 


The Gradual Path offers inner and outer journeys of transformation, based on the timeless wisdom of Tibetan Buddhism integrated with clinical psychology. Together with wisdom keepers I curate experiences and facilitate learning, psychologist Dr. Emily Wolf acts as executive director, and Geshe Tenzin Zopa remains our spiritual advisor. While we have offices located in New York City and Bali, Indonesia for in-person coaching and group trainings, most of our offerings occur online and on the road during immersive retreats and sacred pilgrimages around the world. We look forward to you joining us on the timeless journey of awakening for others.

Dr. Miles Neale
Founder, The Gradual Path

Email: [email protected]

 Meet The Team

Geshe Tenzin Zopa

Spiritual Advisor


Dr. Emily Jane Wolf

Managing Director


Dr. Miles Neale

Founder & Instructor