Walter Cruttenden: The Great Year, Lost Ancient Knowledge, and Awakening from Amnesia Ep.19

In this episode of the Wisdom Keeper podcast, I’m delighted to be joined by Walter Cruttenden, researcher, mystic, author, and entrepreneur. Walter takes us on his heroic journey to scientifically verify accounts from ancient Indian and Greek mystical sources about the Great Year, the extensive 24,000-year cycle of the cosmos in which human consciousness and civilizations ebb and flow. We discuss a binary star system, what compels him to go beyond mainstream narratives, how these lost cycles of time affect us here on Earth, and what will be revealed as our collective consciousness awakens from prolonged amnesia. If you ever wanted to learn where we are now, and where we are going using this star map, listen to this conversation, for the future lies in understanding our past.


BIO Walter Cruttenden is an author and researcher working at the intersection of ancient wisdom, modern science, and human consciousness. His Binary Research Institute, based on the work of Sri Yukteswar, challenges the conventional paradigm of what caused the fall of many ancient civilizations, and why we have seen a rise in consciousness since the Renaissance. Cruttenden is the author of the book “Lost Star of Myth and Time,” and documentary, “The Great Year”, narrated by James Earl Jones, which looks at the evidence for a stellar companion and its likely influence on Earth’s ancient past and possible future. Cruttenden shares his research and insights with audiences worldwide, inspiring others to question the prevailing narratives of history and to explore the deeper mysteries of the universe. His talks blend scientific inquiry with spiritual wisdom, offering a holistic perspective on the nature of reality and our interconnectedness with the cosmos.


In addition to his writing, Cruttenden also hosts the popular podcast “The Cosmic Influence,” where he interviews leading experts in the fields of astronomy, mythology, and consciousness. Through his work, Walter Cruttenden invites us to reconsider our place in the cosmos and embrace a broader understanding of reality


Show Links:

Binary Research Institute

Conference on Precession and Ancient Knowledge

The Great Year film:

The Missing Peace, mini-series about the Borobudur Mandala:

Topics Walter and I discuss:

- His early mystical experiences and attraction towards Paramahamsa Yoganada

- The Great Year and its four Ages, Satya, Treta, Dwapara, Kali

- Cycles of time, the precession of the equinoxes

- The mainstream understanding of axial “wobble” and what drives him to seek an alternative understanding of the cosmos

- What is a binary star system, what companion star might be in relationship with our Sun, and the implications?

- Where are we now, and where are we going according to the Great Year.

- Is the future hopeful and how can we participate more fully in the dance of the cosmos.

Dr. Miles Neale is a psychologist and teacher of Tibetan Buddhism living in Bali, founder of the Gradual Path for inner and outer journeys, his third book Return with Elixir: Four Maps for the Soul's Pilgrimage Through Death and Rebirth will be released in April, 2025. For more visit: