to Heal the Soul

Upcoming Pilgrimage

Sacred Journeys of Transformation


"A two week sacred journey through ancient sites imbued with power over the centuries, local wisdom keepers offering daily teachings, ceremony, and practices, deeply immersed in a foreign culture and contemplative mindset, supported by like-minded companions that become life-long friends, while embodying our life’s purpose to awaken for others, what could be more healing for the soul?”— Dr. Miles Neale
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Upcoming Tours

Ready to embark? Join us on a life-changing odyssey to sacred places around the world.

Return with Elixir Book Launch, Bali 

Dr. Miles Neale & Tjok Gde Kerthyasa

April 2025





Walk of Renewal

Camino de Santiago, Spain

Dr. Miles Neale with Sacred Earth Journeys

June 2025





Tantric Treasures,

Hidden Lands, Bhutan 

Geshe Tenzin Zopa & Dr. Miles Neale

October 19-31, 2025




Embark Now

Inner & Outer Alchemy Retreat

Tuscany, Italy

Dr. Miles Neale & Special Guest

TBA 2026





World Peace Stupa Launch

Tsum Valley, Nepal

Geshe Tenzin Zopa & Dr. Miles Neale

October 2026







Past Tours

Pilgrimage is life. Life is Pilgrimage. The challenges and discoveries we make along the way prepare us for our arrival at the sacred destination.

Japan: Oct. 2024

Gone Beyond!

With Dr. Miles Neale & Geshe Tenzin Zopa:
 Sacred survey of Japan's various Buddhist traditions Zen, Shingon tantra, and Shegendo mountain 

Indonesia: Sept. 2023
Megalithic Mandala and Mystical Islands

With Dr. Miles Neale & Geshe Tenzin Zopa
. Borobudur megalithic mandala, tantra, and traditional healing on the sacred islands of Java & Bali. 

Nepal + India: Sept. 2022:
Buddha's Footsteps

With Dr. Miles Neale and Geshe Tenzin Zopa:
 Sacred tour through Kathmandu's Vajrayogini shrines and India's sites of the Buddha.

Sri Lanka: Nov. 2019

Sacred Island Tour

With Dr. Miles Neale:
 Meditation, chanting, and teachings along the 
ancient athmasthana circuit of eight great temples.

Nepal: Sept. 2018

Kathmandu Valley + Retreat

With Dr. Miles Neale and Geshe Tenzin Zopa: Sacred tour of Kathmandu's power places and week-long retreat.

India: Sept. 2016

Buddha's Sacred Sites

With Dr. Miles Neale and Geshe Tenzin Zopa: Sacred tour of the Buddha's life story and week-long retreat.

Pilgrim Testimonials

Josh Rasp, New York

"The amount of preparation that Miles and his team put into the pilgrimage for the entire year prior made for a full yet seamless experience. I met and practically became family with the dozens of other fellow pilgrims, all of whom had fascinating lives and good hearts. I learned so, so much, and had a hell of a lot of fun along the way. I would encourage anyone to jump on the next pilgrimage."

Kathryn Fink, New York

"They say the teacher appears when the student is ready. I don't know if I was ready on a cognitive level for all the deep soul searching, difficult practice, and joyful expansion working with Miles would bring, but I know for certain my soul was not just ready for it, but hungry. Working with Miles has fed a longing to become my own hero and healer, so I could step into responsibility and action in my community
and the world at large."

More Pilgrim Experiences



"It's not the destination that transforms us, it's the journey."

- Dr. Miles Neale