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The global COVID-19 pandemic has triggered widespread systems collapse. While the trauma effects of death, loss and economic hardship will be felt the world over, within the crisis there is also an opportunity for each of us to reassess our values, spark latent creativity, and inspire a new vision to rebuild systems far more sustainable, equitable and effective for future generations.
This lecture series brings together dynamic visionaries working at the intersection of economics, ecology and spirituality to teach us about basic economic principles, the limitations of the current economic system now on life support, alternative economic insights and practices based on sacred wisdom cultures and beyond, and practical steps we can each take to participate in and hasten the transition towards, a new, spiritually oriented economic paradigm.

John Perkins
Transforming the virus, you, and the world. What shamanic wisdom can teach us about this crisis and beyond.
MAY 13 | 7-9pm EST

Helena Norberg-Hodge
From globalization to localization, from fear to hope. How we can build a more sustainable and equitable future together.
MAY 20 | 8-10pm EST

Alnoor Ladha
Six key pillars to post-capitalism. How we can reboot the system based on sacred activism.
MAY 27 | 7-9pm EST
Three Events. Free.
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RegisterJohn Perkins
John Perkins is an author and activist whose 10 books on global intrigue, shamanism, and transformation including Touching the Jaguar, Shapeshifting and the classic Confessions of an Economic Hit Man have been on the New York Times bestseller list for more than 70 weeks, sold over 2 million copies and are published in 35 languages. As chief economist at a major consulting firm, he advised the World Bank, United Nations, Fortune 500 corporations, US and other governments. He has been initiated by shamans from several Indigenous cultures. He regularly speaks at universities, economic forums, and shamanic gatherings around the world and is a founder and board member of the nonprofit organizations, the Pachamama Alliance and
Dream Change.

Helena Norberg-Hodge
Author and filmmaker Helena Norberg-Hodge is the founder and director of Local Futures. A pioneer of the ‘new economy’ movement, she has been promoting an economics of personal, social, and ecological well-being for more than thirty years. She is the producer and co-director of the award-winning documentary The Economics of Happiness. She has authored several books, including the inspirational classic Ancient Futures: Learning from Ladakh and Local is Our Future: Steps to an Economics of Happiness (described by author David Korten as “a must-read book for our time”).

Alnoor Ladha
Alnoor’s work focuses on the intersection of political organizing, systems thinking and narrative work. He is currently the Council Chair for Culture Hack Labs, a co-operatively run, not-for-profit consultancy focused on movement building and meta-narrative interventions. He was the co-founder and Executive Director of The Rules (TR), a global network of activists, organizers, designers, coders, researchers, writers and others focused on changing the rules that create inequality, poverty and climate change. TR closed in December 2019 after eight years of service, as part of it's planned sunset strategy. He has sat on various boards including Greenpeace International USA, the P2P Foundation and The Emergence Network. He holds an MSc in Philosophy and Public Policy from the London School of Economics. He is also a co-founder of Tierra Valiente (Brave Earth), a post- capitalist community in northern Costa Rica.

About Your Host
Dr. Miles Neale, PsyD, is a Buddhist psychotherapist in private practice and founder of the two-year online Contemplative Studies Program. Author of Gradual Awakening (Sounds True, 2018) and co-editor of Advances in Contemplative Psychotherapy (Routledge, 2017), Miles has twenty years integrating the mind science and meditative practices of Tibetan Buddhism with psychotherapy, trauma research and neuroscience, and leads pilgrimages around the Buddhist world.
About the Contemplative Studies Program
The Contemplative Studies Program (CSP) is a two-year online training for personal development, offering earnest students of yoga and meditation, a deeper, more enduring immersion into the ancient wisdom culture of Indo-Tibetan Buddhism integrated with contemporary subjects from neuroscience, trauma research, mythology, and more.