The Gradual PathĀ Blog
Keep the Coherence debate developmental trauma misogny moral justice negative emotion polarization racism shame social media thought police trauma informed dharma triggered Jan 12, 2021

We all agreed in the workshop that we are living in a time where there is tremendous polarization and a tremendous upsurge of negative emotion.

People's hostilities are on a scale unprecedented. I don't spend a lot of time on Facebook, but all you have to say is one word and people are ready to...

Trauma is Invisible emotions four features of trauma trauma informed dharma Oct 03, 2020

The four features of trauma are rubrics to help you frame your own personal experience. If you start thinking about them very deeply, they will also lend themselves to antidotes or remedies. If you know these four features you also know what the antidotes are, the remedies. The hallmarks of...

Creating Sacred Space in Community buddha dharma refuge sacred spaces sangha trauma informed dharma Jun 22, 2020

In this excerpt from Trauma Informed Dharma, Miles talks about refuge and how that relates to the creation of sacred spaces in community, what that looks like and how they allow us to learn and grow spiritually, together. What follows is a lightly edited transcript of the video.

There are...

You Are Not Alone consciousness contemplative studies hero's journey trauma trauma informed dharma Oct 21, 2019

In this excerpt from Trauma-Informed Dharma, Miles speaks to students about the challenges of doing trauma work.

"The last few classes have not been easy for a lot of you. I've gotten some feedback, myself included, my own body giving me feedback about what gets kicked up and stirred up when you...