The Gradual PathĀ Blog
Review of Steps 1-30 of Awakening in 30 Steps gradual awakening gradual path lam rim renunciation Aug 16, 2021

Part 1 of our Review Session reminds us of our methodology, combining study and reflection, with meditation and application to everyday life.

We refresh steps 1-14, ending in the first milestone of Renunciation.

Hopefully this review is helpful for those who have completed all the posts in our...

Bodhichitta - the Altruistic Intention to Awaken for the Benefit of Others | Step 23 altrusim bodhichitta compassion gradual awakening gradual path lam rim love renunciation Aug 08, 2021


You’ve made it to the second milestone of the journey!

How is your memorization going?

Based on strong love and compassion for others, and the view of our interdependence, we want to help, but recognize our own limitations. How can we ultimately help others awaken from...

Renunciation | Step 14 of Awakening in 30 Steps bodhichitta four mind turnings renunciation right view samsara Jul 27, 2021

Renunciation: Evolutionary Self-Care.

Congratulations on making it to the first milestone on our journey of awakening!

The gradual path is comprised of a series of reflections that step-by-step lead us to three major milestone or realizations:

1) Renunciation, the determination to be free.
