The Gradual PathĀ Blog
Lam Rim on the Road: Reflections on the Perfection of Generosity bodhichitta enlightenment essential nectar generosity paramitas perfections rachen nunnery service project tsum valley virtue Dec 04, 2021

Dharma teachings sometimes happen in mysterious ways, masquerading as everyday occurrences or through the behavior of unlikely characters. Several years ago, while working with marginalized populations, a patient taught me a treasured lesson. I was caught off guard when they handed me a package,...

The Perfection of Wisdom | Step 29 of Awakening in 30 Steps emptiness gradual awakening gradual path lam rim paramitas perfections wisdom Aug 14, 2021

Definition of emptiness - The lack of inherent existence of the subject, object, and interaction.

The “lack” implies something we thought was there is not. Self-existence or independent existence is not there. And yet...things still arise, appear, and feel good or bad.

There is a...

The Perfection of Concentration | Step 28 of Awakening in 30 Steps concentration gradual awakening gradual path lam rim paramitas perfections Aug 13, 2021

The ability to hold ones attention on an object, sustaining it indefinitely, at will, leading to an intense experience of bliss.

They say that concentration taken to its extreme can produce psychic abilities (siddhis) we would call extra sensory perceptions like clairvoyance.

There are also the...

The Perfection of Perseverance | Step 27 of Awakening in 30 Steps gradual awakening gradual path joyous perseverance lam rim laziness paramitas perfections procrastination Aug 12, 2021

We got this!

The journey of awakening is long, the suffering of living begins is vast to endure, without developing the virtue of perseverance what chance do we have? What has helped sustain you during the global pandemic? What well of good energy do you draw upon to start and sustain yourself...

The Perfection of Patience | Step 26 of Awakening in 30 Steps gradual awakening gradual path lam rim paramitas patience perfections Aug 11, 2021

1) The Patience of Not Reacting

See that people hurt us as a result of their karma - compassion See how we feel when others hurt us as our karma - renunciation Resist retaliation, which perpetuates cycles of violence. Find more karmically constructive ways to work with others who create harm =...

The Perfection of Virtue or Morality | Step 25 of Awakening in 30 Steps ethics gradual awakening gradual path karma morality paramitas perfections virtue Aug 10, 2021

There are three types of morality:

1) Restraining from causing harm

2) Accumulating merit through virtue

3) Benefiting all sentient beings

Want an assignment? Look up the ten non-virtues and their opposites.

Using my snowflake model how is the perfection of morality connected and enhanced by...

The Perfection of Generosity | Step 24 of Awakening in 30 Steps generosity gradual awakening gradual path lam rim mahayana paramitas perfections Aug 09, 2021

Having established the altruistic intention, we move to the altruistic actions. These six modes of training build our capacity for optimal social engagement while at the same time cultivate the inner qualities leading to Buddhahood.

The Mahayana is the path of awakening through our social...