The Gradual Path Blog
Homecoming greece hero's journey homecoming homer lam rim on the road myth nostos odysseus odyssey Aug 17, 2021

The second instalment in the Lam Rim on the Road travelogue by guest contributor Erica Saccente.

Overlooking the silver sea, I drink a cup of coffee and try to recount the events of the past two weeks on Ithaca. This hypnotic island warps time so that a week feels like 24 hours and 6 months simulta...

The Departure | Return with Elixir carl jung dreams freud hero's journey mentor monomyth Jul 31, 2020

The Hero needs to a find a mentor but they also need to know when to leave the mentor. In this clip from Return with Elixir, using the example of Jung's departure from Freud, Dr. Miles Neale discuss what that might look like.

This class is on the Departure. This dream I raise because it is a livi...

Return with Elixir contemplative studies program hero with a thousand faces hero's journey joseph campbell monomyth return with elixir shadow trauma Jul 31, 2020

In this excerpt from Return with Elixir, Dr. Miles Neale introduces Joseph Cambell's monomyth, how it can be applied in our own lives and what to expect from the course.

It became clear that another level was necessary the progression to rise above the personal and enter the transpersonal or the ...

Paradigm Shift ayahuasca dalai lama gradual awakening hero's journey rupert sheldrake science tantra visualization Jul 30, 2020

When we add this visualization system to the hero's roadmap that we'll unpack in the course, the two coming together is articulating the roadmap of your own development. You have to remember wherever you are right now, as an ordinary person, you and I, we both feel very stuck. To really get the bene...

Solve et Coagula alchemy damien echols hero's journey joseph campbell mandala monomyth return with elixir solve et coagula Jul 12, 2020

The motto of the alchemical tradition, solve et coagula, is the transformation of base metals into gold. It is also the heroic transformation of ordinary life, through trials and adversity. Dr. Miles Neale explains in this clip from Return with Elixir.

Solve et coagula is very encapsulating of th...

Coping With Your Shadow in Isolation anger hero's journey isolation mcmindfulness mental health pandemic podcasts shadow Apr 23, 2020

"Week 2 (or 3) of this great global experiment in social isolation has been throwing up all sorts of shadow aspects in our homes and in our lives. I have personally found myself staring into some of my most punitive, frustrating, and angry patterns as a lack of distraction brings little escape!


The Trauma Therapist Podcast hero's journey podcast psychotherapy trauma Mar 20, 2020

In this episode of the Trauma Therapist Podcast Miles is on fire as he talks about his personal hero's journey, trauma, the convergence of Buddhism and psychotherapy and offers advice to therapists just beginning their careers.

You Are Not Alone consciousness contemplative studies hero's journey trauma trauma informed dharma Oct 21, 2019

In this excerpt from Trauma-Informed Dharma, Miles speaks to students about the challenges of doing trauma work.

"The last few classes have not been easy for a lot of you. I've gotten some feedback, myself included, my own body giving me feedback about what gets kicked up and stirred up when you do...

WITMA NYC // OCTOBER 18TH, 2019 events hero's journey witma Oct 09, 2019

Miles will be a panelist and lead a Hero's Journey meditation at the upcoming Well Being in the Modern Age event happening October 18th.

Details and tickets available here.