The Gradual PathĀ Blog
The Sacred Speaks Podcast #77 | Gradual Awakening, Jung & Psychedelics buddhist psychology four noble truths holy grail john price jungian self materialism nihilsm no self sacred speaks podcast three jewels tibetan buddhist history Mar 12, 2022

Ā In this episode of the Sacred Speaks podcast,Ā Miles Neale talks to host John Price aboutĀ  his early training, teachers, and practiceĀ tracingĀ the path of his development as a psychotherapist and teacher of Buddhism.

They discuss theĀ Four Noble Truths, the materialist world view, nihilism, Tibeta...

The Four Foundations of Mindfulness addiction awareness dukkha four noble truths karma master your becoming mindfulness samsara three marks of existence Feb 07, 2021

In the first foundation of mindfulness the benefit or the hallmark is achievement of stability and vividness or pliancy. In the second, you have response flexibility. In the third, you have meta cognitive awareness and in the fourth, you have what we're calling meta cognitive insight. You can just s...

Finding a Qualified Dharma Teacher compassion dharma emptiness ethics find true refuge four noble truths geshe tenzin zopa guru lam rim michael roach scandal shadow trauma wisdom Feb 04, 2021

I think it actually requires much more maturity to be able to stay in the hot pocket of understanding the virtue of this institution and how the lama arrangement works and the qualities of seeking a master that's truly qualified and also recognizing all the malarkey and all the nuance and sophistica...