The Gradual Path Blog
Karma and Emptiness Are Your Greatest Friends emptiness find true refuge karma purification shame Mar 04, 2021
The following is a lightly edited excerpt from Find True Refuge.

How many of you feel like you're a terrible sinner? How many of you went through all the hell realms in the Yangsi [Rinpoche] book and all the negative karmas and all the things that can befall you and felt like you were a terrible si...

Four Parts of Karma find true refuge karma lam rim merit random acts of kindness virtue Mar 03, 2021

There are what are called the four parts of karma. We think of karma as one thing but karma is actually many things. Not only is karma cause but karma is also the effect. They come together. They are interdependent. You can't have a cause without an effect.

The root verb for karma in Sanskrit reall...

Finding a Qualified Dharma Teacher compassion dharma emptiness ethics find true refuge four noble truths geshe tenzin zopa guru lam rim michael roach scandal shadow trauma wisdom Feb 04, 2021

I think it actually requires much more maturity to be able to stay in the hot pocket of understanding the virtue of this institution and how the lama arrangement works and the qualities of seeking a master that's truly qualified and also recognizing all the malarkey and all the nuance and sophistica...