The Gradual PathĀ Blog
Lam Rim on the Road: Reflections on the Perfection of Generosity bodhichitta enlightenment essential nectar generosity paramitas perfections rachen nunnery service project tsum valley virtue Dec 04, 2021

Dharma teachings sometimes happen in mysterious ways, masquerading as everyday occurrences or through the behavior of unlikely characters. Several years ago, while working with marginalized populations, a patient taught me a treasured lesson. I was caught off guard when they handed me a package,...

The Mentor Bonding Process | Step 5 enlightenment mentor middle way virtue Jul 13, 2021

Work with virtue and vice using the mentor-bonding process.

The engine of enlightenment is a sacred relationship.

It’s in the context of a close relational bond that we will eliminate vice, and cultivate virtue, and achieve enlightenment. No one makes it alone!

We must strike a balance, a...

View & Virtue enlightenment ethics gelugpa meditation mindfulness right view tsongkhapa virtue Oct 06, 2020

One of Tsongkhapa's big critiques is that you cannot arrive at enlightenment without a good start. Don't throw out your conceptual knowledge. Don't throw out your ability to reason your way to enlightenment.

Go back for a second to the image of meditation in our culture. What does it look like?...