Touching the Jaguar: Transforming the Virus, You, and the World with John Perkins
May 12, 2020The most important message the coronavirus offers is that the natural world is conspiring to save us from ourselves, to slow our materialistic greed and rein in our aggressive, self-centered, short-term, and xenophobic tendencies. In John Perkins new book “Touching the Jaguar,” he writes about the failures of the current economic system – the Death Economy. This virus, like the hurricanes, fires, tornadoes and other “once in a hundred years events” that happen every year or so is one more indication that we must transform the Death Economy into a Life Economy. Making the transition requires that we move from a goal of maximizing short-term profits for the few, regardless of the social and environment costs, to a goal of maximizing long-term benefits for all – people and nature.
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