Buddhist Pilgrimage to Nepal & CSP Service Project Update

Jul 30, 2021

Though we postponed our annual Buddhist pilgrimage to Nepal and India due to the pandemic until October 2022, Miles offers his reflections on purification, collecting merit, and thinking of others in the meantime.

Miles also shares some exciting news about a very rare and auspicious pre-trip extension we will add next year to the Tsum Valley in the Himalayas. This beyul or hidden land is very remote and untouched, and is home of the Rachen Nunnery who will host us for four magical nights as we explore nearby meditation caves and places of immense power.

To fulfill the vision of our teacher Geshe Tenzin Zopa we plan to initiate our annual Service Project in advance of the pilgrimage. We will raise funds needed to plant 500 fruit trees near the nunnery along with a water well and generator to service the nunnery year-round. We hope this endeavor helps support the self-sufficiency of the 100 nuns in residence as well as have a positive impact on the environment.

To join us for this inspiring Service Project consider registering for one of our courses in the Contemplative Studies Program or simply join us in the Courtyard community for live interaction with like-minded seekers.

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