A Meditative Journey Of Self-Transformation | Tibet House US Event
Aug 02, 2021The world is undergoing an unprecedented period of metamorphosis. No one remains unimpacted by death, loss, and change, yet all spiritual teachings agree that through the dark night a new, more meaningful life is possible for those who are well prepared.
Join us for an innovative, 2 hour guided visualization and soundbath. Together we will rehearse the three phases of rebirth described in Tibetan Buddhist tantric practice, learning to surrender during death, generating positive motivation and vision in the bardo between, and embodying your new manifestation during simulated reincarnation.
Rebirth is an experimental collaboration between Buddhist psychotherapist and author Dr. Miles Neale and sound master Phil Jacobs. Miles guides the self-healing journey incorporating Tibetan Buddhist visualization with mythology, while Phil optimizes brain states for deep integration through vocal harmonics and sound bowl vibration.
This online class is experiential in nature, a brief preparatory talk will precede a long guided meditative journey and conclude with a short Q&A.
Please bring headphones for the best user experience on zoom and feel free to lay supine on a yoga mat with a blanket and eye mask during the journey portion of the program. All levels of experience are welcome.
Miles and Phil collaborate during the online year-long Lam Rim Meditation Series guiding participants each week through the Rebirth journey complemented by teachings integrating Tibetan Buddhism, trauma research, and mythology.
September 14 | 6:30-8:30pm EDT
$20 | Online Via Zoom
Learn more about the Lam Rim Meditation series here.
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